Friday, April 29, 2016

Karnataka e-VAT - FAQs on direct upload of Karnataka e-VAT annexures from Tally.ERP 9

FAQs on direct upload of Karnataka e-VAT annexures from Tally.ERP 9 (Applicable from release 4.9)
Query: Can I restrict a user from uploading e-VAT annexures?
Yes, users can be restricted from uploading e-VAT annexures.
For this, go to Alt F3: Cmp Info>Security control>Types of security
Select the security level of the user.
Select ‘Upload e-VAT Annexures’ under column Disallow following facilities’ and disallow ‘Full access’ as shown below
Note: This option is currently available only when state is selected as Karnataka. 

Query: Can I restrict a user from accessing e-VAT annexures?
Yes, users can be restricted from accessing e-VAT annexures.
For this, go to Alt F3: Cmp Info>Security control>Types of security
Select the security level of the user.
Select ‘e-VAT Annexures’ under column Disallow following facilities’ and disallow ‘Full access’ as shown below
Note: This option is currently available only when state is selected as Karnataka.

 Query: Does Tally validate TIN in e-VAT annexures?

Yes, Tally validates Party TIN and Company TIN in e-VAT annexures. The validation points for TIN are-
-       TIN should not be blank.
-       TIN should consist of only 11 digits
-       TIN should not have any alphabet or special characters.
-       TIN should start with '29'.
Further, while uploading e-VAT annexures from Tally, TIN is also validated by the Department portal for correctness. Here, delisted TIN validation (Dealers whose TIN has been deactivated by the Department) is also done.

Query: I have entered a Party’s TIN incorrectly in all purchase vouchers. In e-VAT annexures report, all these vouchers are showing error of ‘Invalid TIN’. How can I rectify all these vouchers at one go?

All vouchers where a particular party’s TIN has been incorrectly entered can be rectified at one go.
For this, go to e-VAT annexures report (Gateway of Tally>Statutory reports>VAT>e-VAT>E-VAT annexures)
Drill down to the particular annexure report with errors
Press Enter from a voucher which has error of ‘Invalid TIN’. The Error validation screen appears as shown:
Specify the correct TIN of the party and accept the screen.
You will find that all the vouchers where the same TIN was incorrectly entered are corrected automatically. Further, the correct TIN is updated in the party ledger master, to avoid such a mistake in future.
Note: Following are the rules of correct TIN updation-
·         If TIN is incorrect in Party ledger & Party vouchers and TIN in both is identical: correction will be updated in Party ledger and vouchers where the same incorrect TIN is entered.
e.g. TIN in party ledger is 2900000000
      TIN in party vouchers is 2900000000
      Correct TIN is 29000000002
The correct TIN will be updated in party ledger and party vouchers.
·         If TIN is incorrect in Party ledger & Party vouchers and TIN in both is not identical:  correction will be updated in vouchers where the same incorrect TIN is entered.
e.g. TIN in party ledger is 2900000000
       TIN in party vouchers is 2900000001
       Correct TIN is 29000000002
The correct TIN 29000000002 will be updated in party vouchers where TIN is 2900000001. Since TIN in party master is not identical to TIN in vouchers, party master will not be updated. 
·         If TIN is blank in Party ledger and incorrect in Party vouchers: correction will be updated in all vouchers where the same incorrect TIN is entered.
E.g. User records all vouchers using ‘cash sales’ as party ledger. No TIN is specified in ‘Cash sales’ ledger as it is a common ledger for all parties. In vouchers, TIN is specified as 2900000000 for a particular party. The correct TIN is 29000000002. Hence, the correct TIN will be updated in all vouchers where TIN is specified as 2900000000. The ‘Cash sales’ ledger will not be updated. 
·         If TIN is blank in Party ledger and Party Vouchers: correction will only be updated in the particular voucher being corrected.
E.g. TIN has not been entered in party ledger as well as vouchers. One of the vouchers where TIN has not been entered is being corrected. The correct TIN will only be updated in that particular voucher. 

Query: I don’t want to directly upload e-VAT annexures from Tally.ERP 9. I want to export the annexures to Excel template provided by the Department. How can I do it?
Users can export the e-VAT annexures in XML or Excel format. They can later manually upload them in their VAT portal
To do this,
Go to e-VAT annexures report (Gateway of Tally>Statutory reports>VAT>e-VAT>E-VAT annexures)
Drill down to the particular annexure which needs to be exported. (Note: e-VAT annexures cannot be exported altogether. They need to be exported individually)
Click E: Export.
The Exporting configuration screen appears as shown below-
Select the format in which the annexure needs to be exported and provide the export details.
The annexure will be exported in the format selected
Note: Annexures can be exported even if validation errors are not rectified.

Query: Can I directly upload e-VAT annexures without correcting the errors?

Direct upload of annexures cannot be done without correcting the errors.
In case user tries to upload the annexures without rectifying the errors, Tally prompts a message as shown:
User needs to rectify the errors and then upload the Annexures 

Query: When I’m exporting an e-VAT annexure, I want to change the From and To dates. However, the cursor is skipping the field. How can I change the dates?
Solution: The From and To dates cannot be changed while exporting. To change the dates, select the appropriate period in the e-VAT annexure report by clicking on F2: Period. After the dates have been set, export the e-VAT annexure. The From and To dates will be captured as per the period specified in the e-VAT annexure report. 

Query: As per Karnataka e-VAT rules, is there any cutoff date for purchase/sales return?
Solution: Yes, as per Karnataka e-VAT rules, purchase/sales return cannot be raised against invoice dated earlier than 6 months from the return period.

Query: Why does the e-VAT annexures report always show data of the previous month/quarter by default?
The default date range of the e-VAT annexures is based upon the periodicity defined in F11: Features>F3: Statutory.
If the periodicity is set as
a.     Monthly- The default date range will be set as the previous month of the ‘Date of last entry’ Example – If the date of last entry is 20th June, the default date range will be 1st May to 31st May.

b.    Quarterly – The date range will be set as the previous quarter of the ‘Date of last entry’. Quarters are fixed as April to June, July to September, October to December and January to March.
Example - If the date of last entry is 20th June, the default date range will be 1st January to 31st March.
Note: Users always have the option to change the date as per their choice by clicking on F2: Period.

Query: Are branch transfer vouchers considered in e-VAT annexures report?
Solution: No, branch/consignment transfer vouchers will not be considered in e-VAT annexures report.

Query: The uploaded e-VAT annexure file appears in the format LP_M4_2014.xml. What does it stand for?

The format of the XML file stands for
-       Name of annexure- The first two characters stand for the name of the annexure. Eg. In the format LP_M4_2014.xml, LP stands for Local Purchase.
-       Month/Quarter- The next 2 characters stand for the month/quarter as per the periodicity selected. Eg. In the format LP_M4_2014.xml, M4 stands for Month 4 i.e April.
-       Year- The next 4 characters stand for the Year. Eg. In the format LP_M4_2014.xml, 2014 denotes the year of filing.
Note: If the XML file size exceeds 3 MB, the file data is split into multiple files. Eg. If XML file LP_M4_2014.xml is of size 5 MB, 2 files named LP_M4_2014_1.xml and LP_M4_2014_2 are uploaded.

Query: Approximately how many transactions can be contained in a single XML file uploaded?
Solution:  A single XML file uploaded cannot exceed 3 MB. Hence, approximately 6000 transactions can be contained in a single XML file. In case the number of transactions is more than 6000, Tally internally splits the file data into multiple files and uploads them.

uery: How much time will be required to upload the e-VAT XML files?
Solution: The time required to upload the e-VAT XML files depends on the speed of the user’s internet connection. It will also be affected by the download speed of the Department server. 

Query: I have uploaded the e-VAT annexure files. Now I want to revise the files. How can I do it?
 Solution: To upload revised e-VAT annexures, first delete the XML file that is already uploaded. Then, make the required revisions in the data. Once the revisions are done, upload the revised e-VAT annexure file.

Query: Can I directly upload e-VAT annexures if I am maintaining an accounts only company?
Solution: Direct upload of the following e-VAT annexures is not available in accounts only company-
·         Interstate purchases

·         Interstate Sales

·         Exports
This is because inventory details are mandatory for upload of these annexures.
To upload these annexures, users need to export the annexure to Excel template provided by the Department. The inventory details can be keyed in manually and then uploaded.

Query: In Accounts only company, how can I upload Interstate Sales/Purchase/Exports annexures?
Solution: The following steps are to be followed:
·         Download XML converter tool from Department website and unzip it in Tally folder
·         In Tally, click on Export button and select Excel format
·         Open Excel template and manually enter Main Commodity, Sub Commodity and Quantity details
·         Click on Convert to XML button
·         Login to Department website, select and upload the XML file.

Query: From where can I get the list of commodity and sub commodity codes required by the Department?
Solution: To get the list of commodity and sub commodity codes, user needs to login to Dealer portal on Department website
Then, go to ‘Upload XML file’ for ‘interstate’ purchase/sales statement as shown below-
Click on option ‘View Reg.CST Commodity details’ as shown below-
The registered commodities with details of commodity code and sub commodity codes are shown as below-

Query: Can I directly upload e-VAT annexures through remote access?
Solution: Direct upload of e-VAT annexures through remote access is not available currently. 

Query: How to delete an uploaded file (entire batch of Invoices in an Xml file) in the Department portal?
Solution: In case of multiple uploads of same batch of Invoices, the Approve button will not appear and it will show duplicates. In such case, dealer need not delete duplicate Invoices one-by-one and instead, delete an entire set of Invoices (i.e. entire XML file Ex: LP_M06_2014.XML). After login, navigate to the respective Annexure:
Eg. Purchase statement > Local > Upload Xml File > Choose Tax period > Delete
Query: How do I modify or delete one or two entries in the portal from an already uploaded Xml file?Solution:
It is always advisable to do any corrections inside Tally itself as this would keep your books of accounts in agreement with what you have uploaded. Subsequently, the already uploaded Xml file can be deleted in portal and new corrected Xml file can be uploaded.
In the eventuality of a requirement to correct one or few entries directly in the portal, follow the steps given below:
Ex: Purchase > Modify > Local > Choose tax period (Clear/Go) > Open All > Select the required Invoice > Modify/Delete

Query: How do I modify or delete one or two entries in the portal from an already uploaded Xml file?

Solution: It is always advisable to do any corrections inside Tally itself as this would keep your books of accounts in agreement with what you have uploaded. Subsequently, the already uploaded Xml file can be deleted in portal and new corrected Xml file can be uploaded.
In the eventuality of a requirement to correct one or few entries directly in the portal, follow the steps given below:
Ex: Purchase > Modify > Local > Choose tax period (Clear/Go) > Open All > Select the required Invoice > Modify/Delete
Query: My business has multiple branches across Karnataka (same TIN) and they function independently. How do I upload Annexures of my HO and branches?
Solution: Two options are available for this:
1)     If you are using the sync functionality in Tally.ERP 9 and consolidating data of all branches into HO, then all the Annexures may be generated from Head Office.
2)     If all the branches are functioning independently (Data of all branches is consolidated only at the end of the financial year), then, each branch and head office may upload its purchase and sales statement separately but using the same TIN and same username and password. All purchase and sales statements will get consolidated in the KVAT portal since it is done against single TIN.
However, inter-branch stock transfers within the state are not to be uploaded.
Note:  The group company feature does not currently support generation of Annexures.

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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Common errors & solution during direct upload of Karnataka e-VAT annexures in Department portal through Tally ERP 9.

1. Commodity/Sub-commodity does not exist for selected purpose code or commodities not assigned to your TIN
This error occurs due to mismatch in Tally data on three fronts:
·         Commodity code
·         Sub-Commodity Code
·         Purpose code
The commodities enabled for the dealer in his Login are not the same as the ones entered in Tally.
To rectify the same,
Step 1: Verify the commodities enabled for the dealer
Login to VAT website > Sales > Interstate > Upload Xml > View Reg. CST Commodity details
Table No. 1:
As is evident above, all the three details mentioned below need to match for successful upload:
·         Commodity Code
·         Sub-Commodity code
·         Purpose Code

E.g.: Purpose code: 1 (Resale), Commodity code: 80 (Spices), Sub-commodity code: 2 (Clove)
Any wrong combination of above 3 details in Tally leads to this error.
Hint: If sub-commodity details are not available, enter code as 1
Step 2: Creation of VAT Commodity in Tally

Gateway of Tally > Inventory Info > VAT Commodity > Create
Step 3:

Tagging individual stock Item to VAT Commodity
Gateway of Tally > Inventory Info > Stock Item > Alter
Tagging multiple stock Items to VAT Commodity:
Gateway of Tally > Inventory Info > Stock Item > Multiple stock item > Alter > All Items > Set Commodity (Ctrl+C) > Select the commodity and it gets updated to all stock items.
Step 4: Entry of Purpose code in interstate transaction:
During passing of interstate purchase transaction, the relevant purpose code (1 to 7) needs to be selected, based on the purpose code enabled in dealer login for the given Commodity and sub-commodity combination:
In above example, for Commodity code of 86 and sub-commodity code of 1 the relevant purpose code is 6. (Refer Table No.1 above
Verify the Commodity, sub-commodity and purpose code combination in e-VAT annexures report with dealer portal details.
2. The Invoice details do not exist
This error occurs during upload of Debit and Credit notes, if the corresponding original purchase and sales statements are not already uploaded and saved. If Debit or Credit Note pertains to original Invoices in months previous to May 2014, such Debit/Credit Notes need not be uploaded. Alternatively, first upload only such original Invoice, save it and then upload the corresponding debit and credit notes.

1.     When uploading Debit/Credit note, ensure that first the corresponding purchase/sales are already uploaded

2.     If some of the Debit/Credit notes pertain to previous months (April 2014 and earlier), make such vouchers as optional and upload the remaining Debit/Credit Notes. After successful upload, you may regularize these optional Debit/Credit Notes.

3. Please correct the following Invoice Details: Total mismatch error
Total mismatch error could be due to multiple reasons, hence, check for the following:
1.     If VAT is not enabled and VAT classifications (Ex: 5.5%, 14.5% etc.) are not used in Tally and Annexures are generated, this leads to entire voucher total sitting in total value column (no bifurcation of net value, tax charged and other charges). Such Annexure when uploaded, gives total mismatch error (as net value itself is blank).
2.     Check the grouping of “Round-off” ledger and ensure that it is grouped under Indirect Expense/Income.
3.     In case of ledgers like freight/courier charges/ hamali /transport charges, etc., ensure that the ledger is grouped under Indirect Expense/Income.
4.     If total mismatch error is for transactions with multiple tax ledgers (Excise/Service Tax/TDS, etc.) verify the completeness of entry (assessable values are entered and proper classifications selected).
5.     In case of ledgers classified under Duties and Taxes Others (Ex: Entry Tax, Cess in APMC, etc.) and if it does not form part of assessable value, total mismatch occurs. These values form part of other charges in the Annexure report but are not exported in Xml. This issue will addressed in the next stat release. (Workaround: Export to Xml converter and rectify only such vouchers where mismatch has occurred, convert to Xml and upload manually).
The above steps will ensure total mismatch errors are addressed effectively. If errors still persist, verify the totals in respective Annexure before generating Xml and verify totals in exported Xml with respect to those Invoices for which there is total mismatch.

4. Please correct the following Invoice Details: Debit or Credit Note number already exists

This error occurs if same batch of Debit / Credit Notes are being uploaded for a second time onto the portal. In such case, the first batch already uploaded should be deleted in the portal before uploading again.

5URL not valid / Session timed out
For some of the dealers, upon Login to KVAT portal, a pop-up message appears asking the dealer to update his e-mail and Contact number. In such case, the dealer has to update the details on portal first and subsequently upload Annexures from Tally.
6Login Failed / No internet connection / Unable to reach server / cannot connect to KVAT site
Please verify internet connectivity and the Login Id and password and re-enter. If problem still persists, try after some time since this error occurs as department server is busy or under maintenance.

7. TIN of 1 records are not matching with submitter/logged in TIN       
The TIN number which you have provided for the company in Tally in F11: Features >F3: Statutory>VAT TIN (Regular) should match with the TIN number of the username and password you have entered in the department website.
Hence, please ensure that both the TIN Numbers (i.e. TIN Number provided for a Company in Tally and TIN number for which you have provided Username & Password in Portal) are the same.

8. Error! Use the option Interstate Purchases (Up to tax period Apr-2014) to upload invoicesof tax period previousto May 2014
The new KVAT e-UPaSS has been introduced from May 2014. Hence, for Interstate purchase transactions related to April 2014 or earlier, a dealer has to manually upload the details using Direct entry method as per the navigation depicted below:
9Already data has been submitted for this return period!
The error occurs if data has been already uploaded and approved for the concerned Annexure for the return tax period. Hence, precaution needs to be taken before approving, as after approval, it cannot be deleted or modified by dealer.

10. The 'InvCur' element has an invalid value according to its data type.

This error is related to Invoice Currency (Forex amount) field being left blank. This error occurs if dealer has not enabled multi-currency (F11: Accounting features, Allow multi-currency). Foreign currency needs to be created (Accounts Info > Currencies > Create) and transaction is to be entered with foreign currency and exchange rate details filled-in. 
In transaction, all fields need to be filled as is depicted in below screen shot.

11. Xml not well formed Error.

This error occurs due to multiple reasons:
1.     If the Xml is generated using Tally.ERP Release 4.8 or lower. Since the entire Xml schema has been altered in e-UPaSS, the respective Annexures need to be generated from Release 4.9, Stat 233 and higher versions only.
2.     For purchases made from and sales made to URD (Unregistered) dealers, the corresponding Debit / Credit note entries against URD are not supported in the current version of e-UPaSS module of the department.

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